Sunday, June 29, 2008

Choice Theory is for Everyone

Choice Theory was founded by Dr William Glasser.

I was first introduced to it sometime in 2003/2004 and have completed certification in Choice Theory / Reality Therapy. What is this? Simply a counselling method to help the individual make effective choices and thus leading towards self-empowerment.

The two key words and phrases are:
a. making effective choices
b. self-empowerment.

An immediate disclaimer : I do not profess to be a counselor and to become one is not my aspiration in life. However, if you would like to use me as a soundboard or an agony aunt, you are welcome to do so.

We are often presented with opportunities where a word of encouragement or a directional suggestion, can help steer a troubled soul towards an oasis of new resource and strangely enough, this is to be found within.

We begin with certain parameters of thought:
1. Our behaviours are chosen.
2. Our behaviours are our perceived best ways of dealing with a particular situation.
3. We view the world through our Values and Knowledge filters.
4. We have Quality World pictures in our perceptions.
5. Quality World pictures satisfy our basic needs and there are 5 of them. Survival, Love and Belonging, Power/Esteem, Fun and Freedom.
6. Our Behaviours seek to satisfy what we want. And what we want is to satisfy one or more of these named needs.
7. Our Behaviour is an integration of 4 components - Physiologing, Feeling, Thinking and Acting.

Should you wish to find out more about this framework of thought - google William Glasser Institute.

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